Construction on the Adventure Park at Trailblazer began in April 2023. The new park is housed within the Trailblazer Park Municipal Complex behind the Summary Court and will include ADA-accessible playground equipment, picnic tables, and a covered pavilion. Opening by the end of June, it will be the first inclusive playground within the City of Travelers Rest.
Diversity and inclusion are core values in our community, and the public and private sectors are always working to find new ways to ensure that every citizen and visitor to Travelers Rest has equal opportunities to work, live and play here. For children with disabilities, we have historically been unable to offer an inclusive playground for all. This playground can overcome that challenge for so many families and represents a source of great civic pride for our community.
Become a Park Supporter!
Your support no matter what size, can help us raise funds to add even more inclusive playground equipment. Every donation makes a difference!
To learn more about the playground and how you can help, please download a Donation packet HERE.