Business License

All businesses that operate within the City of Travelers Rest are required to have a city business license. The business license period is May 1st through April 30th of the following year. Business licenses must be renewed yearly on or before April 30th.

Download a Business License Application

Online Applications and Renewals: The City of Travelers Rest uses Cloudpermit business licensing software. All businesses are required to establish an account in Cloudpermit by visiting

Cloudpermit Features:
– Apply for and/or renew your business license online
– Upload supporting documentation verifying gross income
– Cloudpermit calculates the tax owed based on the gross income
– Track the progress of your submittal
– Pay with a credit card (a 3% convenience fee will be added)
– Download and print your business license

Apply in-person:
Applications can be brought to Travelers Rest City Hall at 125 Trailblazer Drive, Travelers Rest, SC. We only accept cash or checks at City Hall. Checks should be made out to The City of Travelers Rest.

By Mail or Email: You can mail, or email ( your completed business license application and supporting documentation verifying gross income to City Hall. Your application will be processed through Cloudpermit and you will receive an email from them to establish an account with the option of paying with a credit card (a 3% convenience fee will be added).

Documents accepted for gross income verification:
A copy of SC Income Tax Return, Federal Income Tax Return, or letter from a CPA or CFO of the company with supporting documentation verifying gross income If your business has filed for a tax extension, your business license renewal tax will be based on your previous year’s tax filing. Once the tax extension is complete, the business owner must submit a copy of tax return to determine if any additional taxes are due or if a refund is owed.


You are required to include your NAICS code on your business license. The NAICS Code is a classification within the North American Industry Classification System. The NAICS System was developed for use by Federal Statistical Agencies for the collection, analysis, and publication of statistical data related to the US Economy. NAICS Code Lookup.

Note: Your NAICS Code can be found at the top of your federal tax return. Look for “Business Activity Code Number” on your tax application. You must know your NAICS Code, as reported to the IRS so that you will be placed in the correct city rate class.

New Businesses
If you’re business is located within City limits, you must first submit a New Tenant/Occupancy Permit application prior to applying for a business license, The application will be reviewed by our zoning department and upon approval, the fire marshal will make an onsite inspection. Once the premises passes inspection, a business license application can be submitted.

Certain businesses may require the following inspections and department approvals.

  • Zoning
  • Health Inspection (Food Service Inspections)
  • Code Enforcement Approval / Building Inspection
  • Fire Department Approval

State Regulations & Resources
Retail licenses are required by some businesses and are issued by the South Carolina Department of Revenue. There is a branch office in Greenville and they may be contacted at 864-241-1200 for information on these and other State required licenses and permits.

Restaurants, grocery stores, or other businesses that handle food must obtain approval from the health department prior to operation. If any alcohol is served, an Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) Permit is required by law and can be obtained from the Department of Revenue. Many professions and contractors must also be licensed by the State of South Carolina.

State Service Phone Numbers
Department of Revenue – Greenville Office, 864-241-1200
Department of Revenue – Columbia Office, 864-898-5300
South Carolina Contractor Licensing Board – Commercial, 803-896-4696
South Carolina Contractor Licensing Board – Residential, 803-896-4686