The Building Department is here to help with your construction project review and the permitting process. In addition, we provide consultation on issues relating to compliance and building codes. We can explain the code requirements and work with applicants to achieve their goals.
Finance Analyst
Renee Smouse
Permits, Inspections, and Payments
Building permit applications should be submitted online using the City’s online permitting software, Cloudpermit. Once an account is established in Cloudpermit, users can view the status of the application, and permit holders can schedule inspections, and make payments online from their Cloudpermit account.
Inspection Request Procedures
Inspections take place Monday through Friday. Requests must be submitted ONLINE by 4 pm to be scheduled for the next business day. Specific Inspection times cannot be provided due to the volume of inspections. Inspection results will be available the following business day by visiting Cloudpermit.
Residential Inspections
Single Family and Two-Family Dwellings must have all trades (frame, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fuel/gas, and fire) as applicable to the project ready for inspection at Rough-in and Final Inspections.
Insulation cannot be installed until all rough-ins are approved. The Building Official may deem outstanding corrections will not cover the location for inspection and allow the permit holder to insulate after the initial Rough-in inspection is conducted.
Commercial Inspections
Inspections for commercial properties may submitted by single trade as necessary to allow for the project to move forward in a timely manner and in accordance with the Approved Design Drawings.
Exception: Above-ceiling inspections for all commercial projects must have all trades completed as applicable per the Approved Drawings.
Helpful Hints
– All required paperwork must be submitted online before the inspection is requested
– Approved plans must be available at the job site
– Post the building permit card on the job site at all times in a visible and readily accessible location
– Be sure to provide access for the inspection
– For efficiency, be sure the job is complete and ready for inspection prior to submitting a request
Question? Send inquiries to Renee Smouse:
Most building permit applications require a plan submittal for review to ensure compliance. We recommend a short meeting before beginning your project. Call or email our permit coordinator to discuss your project or set up a meeting. To begin the process please download and submit a Plan Review Application.
Building permit submittals, both residential and commercial, must include a copy of the paid Greenville Water Tap Receipt showing the tax map # for the new water service. If you should need to obtain a copy of a receipt from Greenville Water, please contact the customer service department at (864) 241-6000.
Greenville County Resources
In some cases, projects may require permits from Greenville County and must comply to Greenville County codes. Below are links to the Greenville County Development website where you will find contacts and additional information.
Greenville County Land Development General Information
Greenville County Code Compliance
Greenville County Public Works
Greenville County Soil and Water
Utility Companies
The links below will help get you connected to our local utility companies.
Greenville Water Company
Duke Energy
Piedmont Natural Gas Company
ReWa Greenville