Proposals & Bid Requests

The City of Travelers Rest requires various types of commodities and a wide diversity of services to help the city departments serve the citizens of Travelers Rest. We depend on you, the vendor, to help us provide them.

Whether you are a new or current vendor, the administrative staff is always available to discuss the city’s procurement process or answer any questions that you may have.

Debris Removal Bid Request

The City of Travelers Rest is seeking sealed bids for an hourly rate to provide removal and disposal of debris within the right-of-way of the city owned streets. This debris primarily consists of wood/vegetation and may include debris piles placed by residents, leaning trees, fallen trees, and up-rooted stumps. Each Contractor must figure in all expenses in his/her hourly rate to include equipment, labor, fuel, and transportation of loads. Download the RFP document for more information and instructions on submitting your bid. Download the RFP Package