Chapter 7.20 POOLROOMS


7.20.010 Definitions.

"Poolroom" shall mean any room, hall, building or place kept for the purpose of operating billiard or pocket billiard tables for the purpose of permitting games to be played thereon for profit.

"Pool table" shall include those tables known as billiard tables, or pocket billiard tables, and shall include such tables as are known as miniature pool tables.

(Prior code § 7-5-1)

7.20.020 Places exempt.

The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to include billiard tables or billiard rooms operated by private homes, fraternal orders, bona fide clubs, industrial concerns, religious orders or charitable institutions when no fees are charged for the use of such tables. Should fees be charged, all of the provisions of this chapter shall apply.

(Prior code § 7-5-2)

7.20.030 Age restrictions.


It is unlawful for any person owning or operating a poolroom within the city to permit any person under eighteen years of age to play pool, or otherwise engage in any game played with the use of any such table, unless accompanied by his parent or guardian, or with written consent of his parent or guardian. It shall be unlawful to permit any person under eighteen years of age to loiter or remain in any such poolroom unless accompanied by his parent or guardian, or with written consent therefrom. In the event the keeper of a billiard room is of the opinion that any person desiring admission thereto is under the age of eighteen years he shall require such person to certify his age in writing.


In every poolroom there shall be posted, on at least two walls of the room section where the table or tables are operated, placards having the preceding section conspicuously written or printed thereon in letters of not less than one-fourth of an inch in height, for the information of the patrons.

(Prior code § 7-5-3)

7.20.040 Prohibited activities.

It is unlawful for any person to permit any gambling or betting of any nature in the playing of pool or other games of such tables. It is also unlawful to permit any intoxicated person to play or loiter and remain in the poolroom. No loud, profane, obscene or indecent language shall be permitted in or on the premises, and the premises shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.

(Prior code § 7-5-4)

7.20.050 Hours of operation.

The poolroom shall be closed at eleven p.m. each night and remain closed until six a.m. the following morning, except that on Sunday no pool table shall be operated for profit or otherwise. No person shall be allowed to play on any table at any game during the hours that said place is closed.

(Prior code § 7-5-5)

7.20.060 No partition or other obstruction allowed.

No screen, curtain, blind, partition or other obstruction shall be placed between the entrance of the room where the pool is played and the back or the rear of the poolroom. A clear view of the entire interior from the entrance to the rear of the room must be maintained at all times. No partitions forming rooms, stalls, or other enclosures where the public congregates shall be permitted. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the maintenance of closets for storage purposes exclusively or toilets.

(Prior code § 7-5-6)

7.20.070 Penalty.

Any person violating any provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction in the municipal court, be fined in accordance with Section 1.12.510 of this code. The owner of any such poolroom, or the manager, clerk or operator thereof, shall be subject to the penalties herein imposed.

(Prior code § 7-5-7)

7.20.080 Revocation of license for violation of this chapter.

In the event a poolroom shall be operated in violation of this chapter or shall be operated in any manner as to be detrimental to the best interest of the city, the city administrator may revoke the business license for the operation of such poolroom, after notice to the owner or manager thereof, or the person to whom the license shall have been issued, and a hearing thereon before the administrator. In the event such license shall be revoked, it is unlawful for any person to thereafter operate such poolroom.

(Prior code § 7-5-8)

7.20.090 Subletting forfeits license.

Any person who shall sublet or farm out the billiard or poolroom business to any other person shall forfeit his business license.

(Prior code § 7-5-9)