Project Updates

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Poinsett Hwy. Project Update

January Update:

  • Utility Infrastructure: Ongoing installation of new infrastructure.
  • Curb & Gutter: Installed on the north side of Poinsett Highway from Hart Street to Tubbs Mountain Extension.
  • Duke Power Line Upgrade: Duke Energy is working to upgrade power lines in the area.
  • Stormwater Infrastructure: New stormwater infrastructure is being put in place.

February Forecast:

  • Sidewalk Installation: Sidewalks are set to be installed.
  • Driveway Tying: Driveways will be tied in on the north side of Poinsett Highway.
  • Curb & Gutter: The south side of Poinsett Highway, from Tubbs Mountain Extension to Hart Street, will receive curb and gutter installation.

Traffic Updates for North Poinsett Highway:

  • Lane Closures: Expect intermittent lane closures throughout the construction area. These closures are part of the ongoing utility infrastructure work and road improvements.
  • Delays: Due to curb & gutter installation, utility upgrades, and stormwater infrastructure being put in place, delays are expected, especially during peak hours.
  • Traffic Flow: Drivers should plan for slower-than-usual traffic and be prepared for potential detours or shifting lanes as work progresses.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Strom drain installation will be starting on North Poinsett Hwy this week. Please be mindful of periodic lane closures.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Demolition has begun at the east end of the project outside of the travel lanes and will proceed through this week. Rain is expected for only one day this week and may not delay the project at all. The contractor, the engineer and the city continue to work with residents and businesses along the corridor as questions arise.

November 12, 2024:

Crews are working on the power poles on the North side of Poinsett. For safety reasons, traffic will be one-way moving toward town for a short period of time. As the project moves closer to town, it will be open to two-way traffic on the one-lane road monitored by flagmen.

Poinsett Hwy. Project News Coverage

Poinsett Hwy. Request or Comment

Poinsett Hwy. Project Submission
