Article II. Purchasing

1.20.050 Central purchasing system established.


A central purchasing system is hereby created for the city, which shall operate within the general authority of the city administrator. The administrator will have the authority and responsibility to approve all purchasing procedures and regulations dealing with the organization and operation of the city's purchasing system, and shall assure himself that such procedures and regulations are in accordance with the objectives and policies set forth by council. It shall be the responsibility of the administrator to perform all duties associated with procurement of products and services purchased by the city.


The city administrator shall institute reports necessary to permit analysis of suppliers' performance, negotiate and approve all blanket and routine small purchase orders, consolidate purchases of like items, analyze prices paid for materials, equipment and services, negotiate and approve all contracts for services and generally define the means to obtain savings and to coordinate the purchasing process.

(Prior code § 1-5-11)

1.20.060 City administrator to act as purchasing agent.


The city administrator shall have sole authority to conduct and conclude all negotiations affecting purchase price, terms, and delivery. Participation by city department heads in this process must be conducted under the auspices of and with the full knowledge of the city administrator. Delegation of purchasing activities by the city administrator is allowed when such serves the best interest of the city as determined by the administrator.


Salesmen may be received in the various departments of the city with prior approval from the city administrator. No commitment of funds, however, is allowed without written approval from the city administrator.

(Prior code § 1-5-12)

1.20.070 Form of purchases.

All purchases shall be made using a printed price list, informal bid, formal bid, state of South Carolina contract, or General Services Administration contract; any other method must have the approval of the city council prior to the initiation of the procurement process.

(Prior code § 1-5-13)

1.20.080 Administrator to receive and maintain records.


The city administrator shall receive copies of all correspondence with suppliers and vendors in order to maintain continuity in the purchasing process and all negotiations.


All using agencies of the city shall file with the city administrator detailed requisitions of estimates of their requirements of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual needs. The city administrator shall examine each requisition and shall have the authority to question and revise as to quantity, quality, brand, or estimated cost, in order that the best interest of the city may be served. The administrator shall consult with the department head of the requisitioning agency prior to making any revisions.

(Prior code § 1-5-14)

1.20.090 Emergency purchases.

In cases of extreme emergency, an exception to the provisions of this article may be made; provided, however, that a department head placing an emergency order assumes full responsibility for completing the purchasing process in accordance with this chapter, and shall provide, on the next working day, a requisition explaining in full the nature of the emergency.

(Prior code § 1-5-15)

1.20.100 Procedures manual.

The city council of the City of Travelers Rest has adopted the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code as its official procedures manual and procurement process. Effective March 19, 2009, the City of Travelers Rest shall utilize the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code for all purchasing activities.

(Prior code § 1-5-16)

(Ord. No. O-01-09, 3-19-09)