
6.08.010 Definitions.

For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them:


"Abandoned vehicles" means a motor vehicle that is inoperable or is left unattended on public property for more than forty-eight-hours, or a motor vehicle that has remained unlawfully on private or public property for a period of more than seventy-two hours without the consent of the owner or person, business, firm, organization or corporation in control of the property.


"Animal and agricultural waste" means principally, the manure and crop residue from various agricultural pursuits including dairying and the raising of livestock and poultry. Animal waste also includes, in addition to those items mentioned above, waste from stables, kennels, pet pens, chicken coops, veterinary establishments, and the like.


"Ashes" means the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke and other combustible materials in homes, stores, and institutions, and other small industrial establishments for the purposes of heating, cooking and disposal of combustible waste materials. Ashes are usually composed of a mixture of fine powdery residue, cinders, clinkers, and small portions of unburned or partially burned fuel or other materials. Ashes shall contain no live embers nor other burning materials. The term "ashes," for the purpose of this chapter, does not include combustion by products generated in large production or in processing operations.


"Cart" means a refuse receptacle of a design and capacity designated by the city administrator. Its use shall be primarily for single-family residential refuse collection.


"Construction and demolition waste" means discarded solid wastes resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of structures. The wastes include but are not limited to lumber, bricks, dirt, stone, plaster, loam, roofing, sheeting, rubble, broken concrete, conduit pipe, wire insulation, and other similar items resulting from repairs and additions to or destruction of existing buildings or construction of new buildings, but does not include solid waste from agricultural or silvicultural operations.


"Container" means a metal container designated by the city administrator of not less than two cubic yards of sound construction, having a sufficient number of doors for loading and unloading, equipped with sufficient safeguards to keep the container free of accumulated liquids at all times, equipped with a suitable design to return to a closed position after dumping, and compatible with the container service equipment.


"Dead animals" means those animals that die naturally or from disease or are killed accidentally. Condemned animals or parts of animals from slaughterhouses or similar places are not included in this item.


"Small dead animals" means dogs, cats, rabbits, squirrels, chickens, rats and other similar animals.


"Large dead animals" means horses, cows, goats, sheep, hogs and other similar animals.


"Excess inventory" means large quantities of general bulk waste items, consisting of used or unused sales stock generated by retail, commercial and industrial establishments, such as tires, vending machines, appliances, furniture, etc.


"Garbage" means the animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and serving of foods. It is composed largely of putrescible organic matter and its normal moisture content. The term "garbage" does not include food processing wastes from canneries, slaughterhouses, packing plants or similar industries, or large quantities of condemned food products.


"General bulk waste" means items which, because of their size, shape or weight, cannot be placed into standard refuse receptacles, containers or carts.


"General rubbish" means a variety of both combustible and noncombustible solid waste materials from households, stores, institutions and factories. Rubbish includes all cardboard, plastic, metal or glass containers, wastepaper, rags, sweepings, small pieces of wood, excelsior, rubber, small rocks and similar waste materials that ordinarily accumulate around the home, business or industry. It shall not include garbage, yard rubbish, ashes, bulk refuse, dead animals, hazardous refuse, industrial waste or building waste.


"Industrial establishments" means any person, business, firm, organization or corporation engaged in a business defined as I-1 industrial as defined by Section 5:8 of the Travelers Rest zoning ordinance.


"Industrial waste" means solid waste that results from industrial processes which is not hazardous or infectious. Industrial waste shall not include waste originating from solely commercial operations of an industrial establishment and should not be confused with commercial refuse or so-called "trade waste" which emanates from stores, hotels, restaurants, markets and other similar concerns operated for profit. Regardless of the principle business, secondary business or mixed business of an establishment no waste of an industrial nature shall be deposited for pickup by the city.


"Infectious waste" means waste defined by South Carolina Code Annotated Section 44-93-20.


"Institution" means tax-exempt hospitals, schools, public, charitable, philanthropic and religious institutions conducted for the benefit of the public or a recognized section of the public.


"Market refuse" means putrescible garbage, generally in large quantities, along with some rubbish such as wooden crates and cardboard boxes. It also includes some condemned foods but not large quantities of spoiled materials. Market refuse is generated by wholesale and retail stores and markets as a result of the handling, storage and selling of foods.


"Manufactured home parks" means any place, area, tract of land maintained, offered or used for parking of two or more manufactured homes, a defined by Article 4 of the zoning ordinance of the city of Travelers Rest, used or intended to be used for living or sleeping regardless of whether or not a charge is made for such accommodations.


"Multiple residential housing" means any duplex apartment or group of apartments or any dwelling place designed for, or occupied by, more than one family.


"Nonreturnable container" means a container which is disposed of with the refuse which is contained in it. It may include boxes, plastic or heavy paper bags, or any similar type of container.


"Refuse" means any combination of garbage, general rubbish or ashes. This term does not include yard rubbish.


"Recycling bin" means any receptacle designated by the city administrator for storing recyclable material (excluding carts and containers, as defined in this section).


"Residential bulk waste" means waste which conforms to the definition of general bulk waste, including appliances, furniture, auto parts, branches in excess of four inches maximum diameter, large crates other similar items generated in residential areas.


"Retail and commercial establishments" means any person, business, firm, organization or corporation or firm engaged in a business defined as O-D office, C-1 commercial, C-2 commercial, S-1 services, nonindustrial and nonresidential planned development PD uses or neighborhood commercial C-1N as defined by the city of Travelers Rest zoning ordinance.


"Sewage treatment residues" means screenings, grit and dewatered or air-dried sludge from sewage treatment plants and pumpings of cesspool or septic tank sludge.


"Single-family residential unit" means any dwelling place designed for or occupied by one family.


"Special waste" means hazardous waste and security waste.


"Hazardous waste" means any waste, or combination of wastes, of a solid, liquid, contained gaseous, or semisolid form which is defined as "hazardous waste" by South Carolina Code Annotations Section 44-56-20(6).


"Security waste" means waste that is confidential in nature. Included in this category are confidential documents, negotiable papers and other similar items.


"Storm debris" means, limbs, brush, clippings, trees, building material or other debris in excess amounts, as determined by the community services officer, generated by severe weather.


"Wastepaper bins" means a totally enclosed bin provided for the disposal of paper, wrappers and cardboard. The bin shall be provided with a roof and shall be capable of keeping the contents of the bin reasonably dry at all times.


"Yard rubbish" means prunings, grass clippings, weeds, leaves, shrubbery, cuttings, branches four inches maximum diameter, small enough to fit into a bushel basket, or other materials attending the acre of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees. When collected, weeds and discarded plants, but large quantities of earth are excluded from this category.

(Ord. O-05-07 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.020 Administration.


Responsible Agency. The city administrator or designee shall administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter.


Functions and Powers. It is the responsibility of the city administrator or his designee in coordination with the sanitation services contractor to:


Collect, transport and dispose of all refuse and adopt reasonable administrative policies, procedures and regulations to carry out the intent of this chapter;


Investigate complaints;


Establish appropriate routes and schedules for refuse and yard rubbish collection in residential, commercial and industrial areas;


Accept and approve applications to serve carts and containers;


Designate the size, type and number of carts or containers that must be installed;


Determine the practicality of container and cart installations;


Determine the necessity and feasibility of having the collectors enter any structure to collect refuse and other collectible waste; and


Notify the responsible party of nonconforming receptacles or containers and nonconforming precollection practices.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.030 Inspection.

The community services officer(s) shall have the authority to enter at any reasonable time upon public or private property to investigate conditions related to the matters covered by this chapter.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.040 Administrative proceedings.


The community services officer shall have the authority to approve the issuance of warning notices for violation. Whenever the community services officer determines there has been a violation of this chapter, he shall give notice of such violation to the property owner, and/or person, business, firm, organization or corporation or agent responsible, and/or occupant, in accordance with the responsibilities set out in this chapter. Such notice shall be in writing, allow ten days from its mailing for performance of any act it requires, specify the manner in which the violation may be corrected, and state that, if such correction is not voluntarily completed within such time, it shall be considered a violation of the city code punishable to the maximum extent permitted by state law for city ordinance violations, legal proceedings against the violator may also be instituted, and sanitation service may be terminated until the violation is corrected.


Service of notice to violators shall be as follows:


By delivery personally to the property owner, and/or person, business, firm, organization or corporation or agent responsible for such property, and/or the occupant of such property;


By leaving such notice at the usual place of abode of the property owner (and/or the person, business, firm, organization or corporation or agent responsible for such property, and/or the occupant of the property) with a person of suitable age and discretion);


By depositing the notice in the United States Postal Service, addressed to the owner or person, business, firm, organization or corporation responsible at their last known address, with postage prepaid thereon, and certified and registered; or


In the event service cannot be obtained in any of the above methods, by posting and keeping posted for twenty-four hours a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place on the premises where the violation has occurred.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.050 Appeal.

Within five days following receipt of notice of violation, any person, business, firm, organization or corporation receiving such notice, believing that the literal application of this chapter will cause undue hardship or has been misconstrued, may appeal in writing to the city administrator. The city administrator, may after investigation of the appeal and ground thereof, permit in writing, in appropriate cases, a reasonable extension of time or relief from strict compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The circumstances justifying such finding are:


Inability to comply due to being aged or infirm;


Premises which by reason of their unusual location or use cannot comply with the provisions of this chapter at reasonable cost; or


Where due to unavailability of equipment or supplies without fault of the user, the user cannot immediately comply with the provisions of this chapter.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.060 Additional remedies.

In addition to the provisions of previous sections, the city administrator may authorize discontinuance of service where any user wilfully violates any of the provisions herein, so long as such discontinuance does not result in the occurrence of a nuisance, after which occurrence he may authorize special measures to service such user. After due notice of such action to the user, the cost of such shall become a lien against the property of the user or owner, enforceable in a manner similar to property taxed. The city administrator shall also be empowered to waive the issuance of any warning notice or waiting periods and institute criminal and/or civil proceedings immediately in the event that it is determined that the same owner, occupant or person, business, firm, organization or corporation responsible has been given notice for the same violation at that same location within the previous one-hundred-eighty days.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.070 Collection practices generally.

In general, the city will be responsible for the collection of wastes which come under the following waste categories:




Market refuse;


General rubbish;


Yard rubbish;




General bulk waste;


Residential bulk waste;


Small dead animals (occasionally).

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.080 Precollection practices—Residential units.


The occupants, whether owner or tenant, of single-family residential units, and multiple residential housing consisting of no more than three units, shall store their refuse between collections in carts approved by the city and shall adhere to the following pre-collection practices:




Garbage, general rubbish and ashes will be grouped together.


Yard rubbish, residential bulk waste, and small dead animals shall be separated from the above and from each other.


Grass clippings and leaves shall be separated from other yard rubbish.




Garbage must be drained.


Ashes must be cold.


Tree branches and shrubbery trimmings must be cut to lengths no longer than four feet. No storm debris will be collected.


Boxes, crates and cartons must be broken up.


Refrigerator and freezer doors must be removed.


Limbs over four inches in diameter will not be accepted.




Garbage, general rubbish, and ashes will be stored in carts.


Leaves and grass clipping shall be stored in nonreturnable containers (as defined in this chapter), or in carts.


Yard rubbish other than leaves and grass clippings shall be loosed.


Residential bulk waste shall be loose.


Small dead animal shall be loose.




All carts and recycling bins shall be placed at the rear of the structure between collections. On collection days, carts shall be placed at the curb by the occupant beginning at seven a.m. After collection the occupant shall promptly return the cart to the rear of the structure. No carts should remain at curbside more than twenty-four hours before or after pickup. Collection shall occur only once per week limited to one cart per household.


Yard rubbish shall be placed at the curb.


Nonreturnable containers holding leaves and grass clippings will be placed at the curb.


Residential bulk waste and small dead animals shall be placed at the curb for collection after notification has been given by telephone to the community services officer, and a collection time and date has been agreed upon.


Placement of all items at the curb shall be located so as to be unobstructive to pickup by vehicles, fences, poles, signs, or similar objects.


The owner of, or his agent for, multiple residential housing and mobile home parks consisting of more than three dwelling units shall be required to provide, install and place containers (as defined in this chapter), except where the installation of a container is impractical, at a location determined by the community services officer and in accordance with other requirements set forth by the city of Travelers Rest zoning ordinance. The users of such containers shall adhere to the following precollection practices:




Garbage, general rubbish, yard rubbish and ashes shall be grouped together for collection.


Residential bulk waste and small dead animals shall be separated from the above and from each other.




Garbage shall be drained.


Boxes, crates and cartons must be broken up.


Limbs over two inches in diameter will not be accepted. No storm debris will be collected.


Ashes shall be cold.


Refrigerator and freezer doors must be removed.


Containers shall be drained of all accumulated liquids.




Garbage, general rubbish, yard rubbish, and ashes shall be stored in the container provided on the premises.


Residential bulk items and small dead animals shall be stored loose outside of the container.




Commercial containers, except where the installation of a container is impractical, shall be placed at a location determined by the community services officer and in accordance with other requirements set forth by the city of Travelers Rest zoning ordinance. Where practicable these containers shall be screened and placed to the rear of the premises. Commercial containers shall be placed in a position accessible to the equipment required to service the container. Such placement must be entirely free of the risk of entanglement in overhead electrical wiring and the person, firm, business, organization or corporation served by the container shall provide for and maintain safe ingress and egress of service vehicles. Collection of commercial containers (other than roll carts) shall be the sole responsibility of the occupant.


Residential bulk waste and small dead animals shall be placed at the curb for collection after notification has been given by telephone to the community services officer and a collection time and date have been agreed upon.

(Ord. O-05-07 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.090 Precollection practices—Business and institutional units.


The occupants, whether owner or tenant, of retail, commercial and institutional waste producers requiring less than a container for the storage of refuse between collections shall store such refuse in not more than two carts approved by the city. The determination of capacity requirements shall be made by the community services officer. The occupants shall adhere to the following precollection practices:




Garbage, market refuse, general rubbish and ashes shall be combined for collection purposes.


General bulk waste and small dead animals shall be separated from the above and from each other.




Garbage and market refuse shall be drained of all liquids.


Boxes, crates, cartons and other similar items must be broken up.


Ashes must be cold.


No storm debris will be collected.




Garbage, market refuse, general rubbish and ashes shall be stored in carts.


General bulk waste shall be left loose outside of the carts.


Small dead animals shall be left loose outside of the carts.




All carts shall be placed at the rear of the structure or in an easily accessible location as designated by the community services officer. On collection days, carts shall be placed at the curb by the occupant beginning at seven-thirty a.m. After collection the occupant shall return the cart to the rear of the structure by seven-thirty p.m.


Collection of commercial containers shall be the sole responsibility of the occupant. Adherence to applicable zoning requirements for placement and screening of containers shall be enforced by the community services officer or other official designated by the city of Travelers Rest.


General bulk waste shall be placed adjacent to the carts in a location that is easily accessible to the collectors.


Small dead animals shall be placed in a location that affords easy access to the collectors, preferable adjacent to the carts, after notification has been given by telephone to the community services officer and a collection time and date have been agreed upon.


The owner of, or his agent for, retail, commercial, industrial and institutional units requiring in excess of one-hundred-sixty-four gallons capacity for the storage of their solid waste volume between collections will be required to provide, place and install containers for solid waste storage and collections, expect where the installation of a container is impractical as determined by the community services officer. Retail, commercial, industrial and institutional units using containers will adhere to the following precollection practices:




Garbage, market refuse, general rubbish and ashes shall be combined for collection purposes.


Small dead animals shall be separated from the above.




Garbage and market refuse shall be drained of all liquids.


Ashes shall be cold.


Boxed, crates, cartons and other similar items shall be broken up.


All containers shall be drained of accumulated liquids.


No storm debris will be collected.




Garbage, market refuse, general rubbish and ashes shall be stored in the containers.


Small dead animals shall be left loose outside the containers.




Containers shall be placed at a location determined by the community services officer and in accordance with other requirements set forth by the city of Travelers Rest zoning ordinance. Where practicable these containers shall be screened and placed to the rear of the premises. Commercial containers shall be placed in a position accessible to the equipment required to service the container. Such placement must be entirely free of the risk of entanglement in overhead electrical wiring and the person, firm, business, organization or corporation served by the container shall provide for and maintain safe ingress and egress of service vehicles. Collection shall consist of only one container collected once a week with a maximum container size of eight cubic yards.


Small dead animals shall be placed in an easily accessible location adjacent to the container after notification has been given by telephone to the community services officer and a collection time and date have been agreed upon.

(Ord. O-05-07 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.100 Specific collection regulations.

The city shall make specific collections of refuse and other waste as follows:


Residential Units.


Single-family Residential Units and Multiple Residential Housing Using Carts.


Garbage, General Rubbish and Ashes. Garbage, general rubbish and ashes shall be collected from all single-family residential units, and from all multiple residential housing units using carts for the storage of refuse, on a regular schedule as designated by the city administrator.


Yard Rubbish. Yard rubbish shall be collected on a regular schedule as designated by the city administrator.


Residential Bulk Waste. Residential bulk waste will be collected on an "on call" basis between the hours of seven-thirty a.m. and four-thirty p.m. each Friday. Residents having waste of this type should call the community services officer for instructions on handling, and for an expected pickup date. Additional rates may be charged for such services at the discretion of the city.


Small Dead Animals. Small dead animals may be collected on an "on-call special situation" basis. Residents requiring this service should notify the community services officer by telephone to determine their need and suitability for pickup during regularly scheduled pickups.


All Other Collectible Waste Classifications. No other types of collectible waste other than those specified above will be collected from single-family residential units and multiple residential housing units using carts.


Multiple Residential Housing Units and Mobile Home Parks Using Containers.


Garbage, General Rubbish, Yard Rubbish and Ashes. Garbage, general rubbish, yard rubbish and ashes shall be collected from all multiple residential housing units using containers on a regular schedule as designated by the city administrator.


Residential Bulk Waste. Residential bulk waste will be collected on an "on call" basis between the hours of seven-thirty a.m. and four-thirty p.m. each Friday. Residents having waste of this type should call the community services officer for instructions on handling and for an expected pickup date. Additional rates may be charged for such services at the discretion of the city.


Small Dead Animals. Small dead animals may be collected on an "on-call special situation" basis. Residents requiring this service should notify the community services officer by telephone to determine their need and suitability for pickup during regularly scheduled pickups.


All Other Collectible Waste Classifications. No other types of collectible wastes other than those specified above will be collected from multiple residential housing units using container service.


Business, and Institutional Units.


Business Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Using Carts.


Garbage, Market Refuse, General Rubbish and Ashes. Garbage, market refuse, general rubbish and ashes shall be collected from all retail, commercial, institutional and industrial units using carts on a regular schedule as designated by the sanitation administrator.


General Bulk Waste. General bulk waste items will be collected on an "on-call" basis between the hours of seven-thirty a.m. and four-thirty p.m., after notification has been given by telephone to the community services officer and a collection time and date have been agreed upon. Additional rates may be charged for such services at the discretion of the city.


Small Dead Animals. Small dead animals may be collected on an "on-call special situation" basis. Residents requiring this service should notify the community services officer by telephone to determine their need and suitability for pickup during regularly scheduled pickups.


All Other Collectible Waste Classifications. No other types of collectible waste other than those specified above will be collected.

(Ord. O-05-07 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.110 Items not collected.

The city shall not collect the following items, which items are the responsibility of the persons indicated for each respectively:

Solid Waste Responsible Entity
Large dead animals Owner/occupant
Abandoned vehicles Owner/occupant
Construction and demolition waste, including waste from professional tree trimmers and surgeons Contractor or property owner
Hazardous waste Owner/occupant
Waste or litter resulting from vehicle accident or collision Police department or wrecker service
Infectious waste Owner/occupant
Industrial waste Owner/occupant
Special waste Owner/occupant
Storm debris Owner/occupant
Animal and agricultural waste Owner/occupant
Sewage treatment residue Owner/occupant
Any solid waste item that demonstrated by experience that it has a high probability of inflicting damage to the collection equipment used by the city contractor Owner/occupant
Excess inventory Owner/occupant
Trees or stumps from any source Professional/ homeowner
Debris from cleared lots
Yard waste exceeding 4′ × 4′ × 4′


(Ord. O-05-07 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.120 Transportation.


All garbage, market refuse, general rubbish, yard rubbish, ashes, and bulky waste that may be categorized as general rubbish shall be transported in a vehicle type approved by the city and designed for such purpose according to state and federal law.


All residential bulk items and dead animals shall be transported in a vehicle type approved by the city and designed for such purpose according to state and federal law.


All other items which are not collected by the city, i.e., construction and demolition waste, industrial refuse, special refuse and agricultural waste, and which are the responsibility of the producer, shall be transported according to the rules and regulations of the state Department of Health and Environmental Control.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.130 Disposal.


Disposal of all solid waste shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state Department of Health and Environmental Control.


All other items not collected and disposed of by the city shall follow the rules and regulations of the state Department of Health and Environmental Control as it pertains to the individual method of disposal used, whether it is incineration, sanitary landfill or some other disposal method.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.140 Prohibited activities.


Refuse Receptacles, Containers, etc. It is unlawful:


For any unauthorized person, business, firm, organization or corporation to remove, disarrange or interfere with carts and/or containers, as defined herein, used for the collection of refuse, or the contents of any such carts and/or containers;


For any person, business, firm, organization or corporation to break or damage any carts and/or containers used for refuse collection;


To fail to keep all carts and/or containers clean, sanitary, tightly covered and in good repair; or


To use refuse compaction equipment in conjunction with any containers.


Storage. It is unlawful:


To deposit yard rubbish, bulk waste, or dead animals on any lot other than one owned by the depositor, whether vacant or improved, occupied or unoccupied, within the city;


For any person, business, firm, organization or corporation to permit refuse to be scattered upon the streets of the city;


To use underground or sunken receptacles or wastepaper bins for storage of garbage, general rubbish, yard rubbish, or ashes between collections;


For the responsible party, as set forth in Sections 6.08.080(a) or (b) and/or 6.08.690(a) or (b) to fail to provide sufficient carts or containers pursuant to the requirements of this chapter;


To place hot ashes, etc., or any burning matter in any cart, container, or wastepaper bin;


To place in a cart, container, wastepaper bin, or to leave loose, construction and demolition waste, industrial refuse, special refuse and animal and agricultural waste for collection by the city or its contractor; or


To place or leave carts at the curb contrary to this chapter.


Transportation. It is unlawful to transport materials without protecting against spillage or leakage.




It is unlawful to collect any garbage, market refuse, general rubbish, yard rubbish, ashes, residential bulk items and dead animals not put out for collection in compliance with this chapter.


Collectors shall not be permitted to enter any structure, including houses, business establishments, porches, garages, wastepaper bins, etc., to make collections unless it is considered necessary and reasonable by the community services officer.


Collectors shall not be required to make collections when any animal located on the premises reasonable appears a threat to the safety of the collector.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)

6.08.150 Penalties.

The violation of any provisions of this chapter shall be punishable by fine and/or imprisonment to the maximum extent permissible under state law for the violation of a municipal ordinance. Each day a violation shall continue shall be a separate offense.

(Ord. O-10-96 § 2 (part), 1996)