Two of the most important documents issued to a Travelers Rest police officer are the General Orders manual and the oath of office. Together these documents form the foundation for every action taken during an officer’s career. New officers swear to abide by this statement as the chief of police administers the oath and welcomes them to our agency.
“I, (officer), having been duly appointed a police officer of the City of Travelers Rest and a peace officer of the State of South Carolina, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will defend, obey, and enforce the constitution and laws of the United States, of the State of South Carolina, and the ordinances of the City of Travelers Rest.
That I will obey the lawful orders of my superior officers and the regulations of the Travelers Rest Police Department.
That I will protect the rights, lives and property of all citizens and uphold the honor of the police profession, with my life, if need be.
This I do solemnly swear this date.”