How many citizens does the Police Department serve?
Although the area has grown considerably since, the 2020 US census documented 7,778 people within our city limits.
Where is the Police Department located?
City Hall and the Police Department share a building located at 125 Trailblazer Drive, beside the Travelers Rest Fire Department and Trailblazer Park.
How many people does the Police Department employ?
The Police Department has 23 full-time sworn officers, 1 part-time sworn officer, five communications specialists, a civilian records administrator, an Accreditation Manager, and a Victim’s Advocate.
What type of shifts do your employees work?
The police officers are divided into two separate twelve-hour shifts. Communications specialists work two separate twelve-hour shifts. Administrative, investigative, and civilian personnel typically work five eight hour days each week.
Is there always a uniform patrol supervisor on-duty?
Yes, three uniformed patrol supervisors are assigned opposite shifts from each other to maximize the time that officers are directly under their direction. In the rare circumstances that a sergeant or corporal is not on-duty, a senior patrol officer serves as shift supervisor. Additionally, the chief of police and the captain alternate weeks as the 24-hour on-call command staff officer.
How long will it take for an officer to respond to my call?
Again, it depends. In a perfect world, an officer would be waiting by the phone to respond immediately to every need in Travelers Rest. However, the reality is often that calls have to be prioritized and routine calls are handled as soon as an officer is not required elsewhere on more serious crimes. Many times calls require two or more police officers and there may be several of these types of calls at one time. Please be patient and if the situation changes you can call us back and give us any new information. Just like the emergency room at the hospital, calls are prioritized and are not always handled in the order they were received.
Is the Police Department open 24 hours?
During business hours, you can enter the Police Department through either the front lobby entrance at City Hall or through the 24-hour entrance on the back side of the building. Police officers and dispatchers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can be reached at 864-834-9029 and of course by dialing 911 for emergencies.
How often is the municipal court held in Travelers Rest?
Municipal Court is held every 3rd Thursday per month at 9:00 am and 2:00 pm in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, and jury trials are held quarterly.
Can I bring my kids to see the police cars?
You certainly may! The police officers regularly give tours of the station to individuals and groups. Please contact the Police Department at 864-834-9029 to set up a time.
What happens when I file a police report? Is calling 911 the best way to call for help?
That depends; 911 is intended to report in-progress, more serious crimes when time is of the essence. If you simply have a question, or wish to report a crime that has already occurred, we ask that you use our non-emergency lines (864-834-9029 or 834-9020) so that we can keep the 911 lines available for emergencies.
Does an officer have to physically respond to every call?
Not necessarily; many calls can be handled over the phone, or you could even come to the Police Department at a time that is more convenient for you to file a report. Our communications specialists can help you make that decision.
Is a written police report required for every incident?
No, in many cases complainants simply need advice or guidance from an officer and a report might not serve a purpose.
Will I be given a copy of my report before the officer leaves the scene?
Our reports are typed at the Police Department once the officer clears the call so the officer will not be able to provide you a copy on the scene. The officer can, however, give you a card with your case number and your report will be available within a day or two in most cases.
Will I be charged a fee for a copy of my report?
No, complainants are not charged a fee for copies of their reports.
How is a report processed once it’s written?
Our officers are required to submit their reports for approval by a supervisor by the end of the shift on which the report was written. The supervisor can either approve the report or send it back for corrections. Once the report is approved by a supervisor it is forwarded to the captain, who makes the final approval and submits it to the records administrator to file.
Do I have to move over when passing a traffic stop on the roadway?
When an emergency vehicle using any visual signal is stopped or parked on or next to a roadway, drivers approaching the emergency vehicle should (1) make a lane change into an available lane not immediately adjacent to the emergency vehicle; or (2) if unable to safely make a lane change, slow down to a reasonable speed for existing weather, road, and vehicular or pedestrian traffic conditions. For more information see this flyer.
Do I have to register my residential or business alarm with the Police Department?
In July of 2007 the Travelers Rest false alarm ordinance was rescinded by city council. However, all alarm systems still must be registered at the Police Department. Registration forms are available on this site or you may call the alarm administrator at 834-9029 for more information.
How and where do I pay a traffic citation?
Traffic citations are handled by the administrative judge, Jasmine Twitty, Monday to Friday from 8:00 am–5:00 pm (excluding holidays) here at the Police Department. You may pay your ticket in person or by mail with cash, money order, or a certified check. Personal checks are not accepted.
Should I call the police about animal control problems, such as a loose or barking dog or an animal not receiving proper care?
For animal complaints, you should call the police dispatcher (864-834-9029) and describe your concern. The dispatcher will notify either the city animal control officer or an on-duty police officer, depending upon the time of day.
I have questions or concerns about a police officer’s conduct. Is there someone I can call to discuss the matter?
These matters can usually be resolved by speaking to the officer’s supervisor. We take complaints very seriously and every expression of dissatisfaction with our service is investigated. You can call 834-9029 or come by the Police Department and ask to speak with the supervisor. If you don’t know the officer’s name you can tell us the date, time, and location of the incident and we can help you get in touch with the appropriate person. You can also complete the Internal Complaint Form and email it to or bring it to any officer at the Travelers Rest Police Department.
How can I find out if the Police Department is hiring?
Typically, job openings will be advertised on the Municipal Association of South Carolina’s website and in the Jobs section of this site. Applications are available at any time on this site.
How can I be sure I’m getting all the facts?
Remember that there are always two sides to every story and if you want to make an informed decision you should hear both sides. Most people realize that gossip is rarely true and that it is always harmful to everyone involved. It is an unfortunate reality that some people actually thrive on strife and are for some reason uncomfortable with the accomplishments of others. We encourage you to contact the chief or the captain with any questions you may have.
Where can I find out about news in Travelers Rest?
Travelers Rest has no official town newspaper, but residents still have several options to stay “in the know.” For print media, we have the Greenville News (and its website, the Times Examiner, and the weekly Greenville Journal. Area TV stations include WYFF (Greenville NBC), WSPA (Spartanburg CBS), WLOS (Asheville ABC), WHNS (Greenville FOX), and WNTV (Greenville ETV). Local talk radio, WORD 1330 AM, is another great resource for news and information.