For the most up-to-date zoning maps and information visit: Greenville County GIS Website.
R-15, R-10, R-7.5:
Single Family Residential Districts. These districts are established as areas in which the principal use of land is for single-family dwellings (R7.5, R10 and R 15)
Minimum lot size:
R-15:15,000 sq ft
R-10:10,000 sq ft
R-7.5: 7,500 sq ft
Residential Multifamily
Established for two-family and multi-family dwellings. The Minimum lot size for 3 or more dwellings is 2 acres with a maximum density of 20 dwelling per acre.
Residential-Duplex district
Established for one and two-family dwellings
Minimum lot size:
Single Family detached dwelling 10,000 Square Feet
Two Family dwelling or for two single-family attached 12,000 Square Feet.
Planned Development
Established to encourage innovative and creative design of residential and commercial developments, to permit a greater amount of flexibility by removing some of the restrictions of conventional zoning. Mixed-use required.
Flexible Review District
Established to provide a way for inventive design to be accomplished and to permit development that cannot be achieved through conventional zoning districts due to the parameter required therein.
Neighborhood Commercial
Established to provide for convenient shopping areas and professional offices that meet the daily needs of the surrounding neighborhood.
Central Business District
Established to provide commercial establishments for the convenience of local residents including but not limited to the following: retail, office and commercial uses.
Established to provide for the development on major thoroughfares of commercial land uses that are oriented to customers traveling by automobiles and for the convenience of local residents including but not limited to the following: Auto Service Facilities and Stations, Electronics home appliance repair. ABC (liquor sales), and night clubs/taverns.
Established to provide a transition between commercial and industrial districts by allowing commercial uses which are service related and uses which involve light industry having a minimal effect of adjoining properties. The following are examples of permitted uses not limited to the following: institutional dry-cleaning, commercial and industrial gas sales, kennel (outside runs), pest or insect control business, photo processing (production).
Established as a district for manufacturing plants, assembly plants and warehouses. The following are examples of permitted uses not limited to the following: group industrial development, and industrial uses.
Office District
Established to provide for office uses including but not limited to the following: accounting, advertising agency, bank, savings and loan, broadcasting studio, brokerage house, employment agency, insurance, professional offices, real estate and research facilities.